Empowering Innovation with Cloud Computing and AI

Scalable Systems and Cloud Applications for Tomorrow's Business

  • Best quality

    We care about the quality of the product. As a digital product development company, we believe in beautiful software.

  • Modern technologies

    We use the modern and most flexible and secure technologies to build the best products on the internet.

  • Advenced security

    At Software Security Solutions our mission is to raise the bar by making computer security more accessible.

Create Successful Business Models with Our IT Solutions

Grow your Business into success with Our IT Solutions

Hivecore, a software development company, offers a wide range of IT services to help businesses grow and succeed. Our team of experts will help you build a successful business model specially in domain of restaurants, sports and management

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Work with the best toolkit

These are a few of our favourite things

  • Nestjs


    A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable and scalable server-side applications.

  • Next.js


    Next.js is a React framework that gives you building blocks to create web apps.

  • Amazon Web Services

    Amazon Web Services

    We are using AWS cloud solutions to build applications with increased flexibility, scalability, security, and reliability

  • Python


    We are using Python to automate our client business processes and data analysis.

  • PostgreSQL


    The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database

  • Typescript


    TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale.

Interested to Join Us?

We are always looking for talented and motivated individual to join our team.

Open Positions